Desktop, Devices, & Software

Self-guided help for common issues with Office Computers, Devices, and Software

Articles (15)

Pinned Article Frequently Asked Questions about Viruses and Support

Frequently asked questions about viruses and computer assistance.

Campus Copier Drivers - Uninstall on Mac & PC

This article will show you how to uninstall the Printix Client on either your Windows Machine or your Mac machine.

Campus Copier Drivers for Mac and PC

Documentation and drivers for Mac and Windows computers for copier usage on campus.

Campus Copiers - Selecting New Printers (Windows & Mac)

Documentation surrounding the new printer selections that are being installed on your machine, and how to print to them.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication Using Okta

Okta is a data security platform that Union deploys to enable Multi-Factor Authentication. Following are the steps you must follow to set up the factors to use with Okta.

Frequently Asked Questions about Equipment

Frequently asked questions about borrowing equipment

Google Workspace vs. Microsoft 365: What Does ITS Recommend?

Union College is a Google Workspace school, but faculty, students, and staff do have access to some Microsoft 365 programs. This infographic will help you understand what ITS recommends and supports.

How to Download and Install Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop

These instructions guide the user through the process of downloading and installing the Creative Cloud desktop app for Mac or Windows.

How to Install Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop (for Windows)

This article outlines the process for installing Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop on Windows systems. This allows you to manage the Adobe applications you want to use.

Logging on to Adobe Creative Cloud

Instructions for logging into Adobe Creative Cloud on College computers.


Mathematica is a computational software program used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields, and well as other areas of technical computing. Find information on using Mathematica here.

Office 365 for Home Use

Steps for logging in to Office 365 and downloading Microsoft Office.


A list of current campus software licenses available.

Apporto Virtual Computer Lab

Apporto is a cloud-based virtual computer lab for students to access applications over the internet i.e. SPSS, Eviews.