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    Okta is a data security platform that Union deploys to enable Multi-Factor Authentication. Following are the steps you must follow to set up the factors to use with Okta.
    As ITS receives commonly asked questions from about Multi-Factor Authentication, they will get added to this Frequently Asked Questions list.
    Tips on settings to secure Zoom Virtual meetings and prevent unauthorized access (i.e., "Zoomboming").
    Remove passwords from your internet browser using these simple directions. (PC)
    Remove passwords from your internet browser using these simple directions. (Mac)
    Protect your PC by setting a password for the screen saver and sleep mode. (Windows 7)
    Here's how to protect your Mac computer by setting a password for your screensaver.
    How to encrypt your iOS device - iPhone and iPad.
    Use Windows Bitlocker to encrypt your USB drive and require a password.
    Learn how to encrypt and set a password on your external drive for a Mac.
    Union recommended free Antivirus solutions for your PC or Mac.
    Basic instructions on how to encrypt your Android device (Samsung, Galaxy, Google Nexus, etc.)