Union College provides a license to everyone in the campus community with a Union email. Follow the instructions below to sign in to the applications in the Creative Cloud
1). Open the Creative Cloud app:
- Mac: Located under Macintosh HD > Applications
- PC: Located under Start > Program Files > Adobe
2). Log in to the Creative Cloud app with your fully qualified Union College email address: username@union.edu
3). In the following screen, select [Company or School Account]. You will be redirected to Union College's Single Sign-On (SSO) login screen.

4). On the SSO screen, enter just your college username (not your fully qualified email address) and your college password.
- If you are on a public computer, do not tick the [Remember me] box.
- Click the [Sign in] button and our account will be authorized.
- Once logged in, open the specific Adobe application you want to use such as Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.
- Don't forget to log out when you are finished!
NOTE! If you go to log in to the Creative Commons app and someone else is logged in, you must log them out first before you can follow the steps above and log in! To do so, find the blue wheel icon in the upper right-hand corner. Click on it and select
[Sign out].
If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.