Logging in:
- Navigate to myapps.union.edu
- Enter your Union College credentials: Username and Password.
- Click the [Sign in] button.
- Locate and click on the [Nexus] tile.
* If you are not a Union student, please go to https://union.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1831/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=61188 and follow the instructions to apply for an email. Note that you may need to acquire an ID number from the registrar.
Logging out:
When you are finished with your work, don't forget to logout by clicking the link in the upper right hand corner of the screen, next to your name. Not doing so may result in unauthorized access to your account. Logging out is particularly important on public computers such as those in classrooms, computer labs, or the Schaffer Library.
Supported file types:
When you upload any files, please make sure they are in a commonly used format. Failure to do so may result in other users not being able to open your files on their computer.
The most commonly used formats are:
.doc / .docx MS Word
.xls / .xlsx MS Excel spreadsheet
.ppt / .pptx MS PowerPoint
.pdf Adobe Acrobat PDF file<
.htm / .html Internet file
.jpg Image file (photographs)
.gif Image file (drawings/animations)
.mp3 Compressed audio file
.mpg / .wmv / .mov Digital video
.zip File archive
What if I can't log in?
If you can’t log in, it’s possible your Union email password has expired. Reset your password HERE.
If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.