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    Nexus Essentials is a one page "tip sheet" that provides information about using Nexus (logging in/out, supported file types, etc.)
    Article about Sharing Cart Feature for sharing activities between courses.
    Explains how to backup the student submission associated with your Nexus course.
    Explains how to backup your grades from a Nexus course.
    Step-by-step instructions on how to archive a Nexus course to your local computer.
    Instructions to restore your course from a backup.
    How to view and search the course catalog
    Instructions for students on how to submit assignments in Nexus.
    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a process by which instructors design their course content to be accessible to all students. Although many people think that making content more accessible only helps people with disabilities access it, in reality, it will improve learning for all students in your class.