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    The Gradescope Tool in Nexus can link directly to assignments in Nexus to return grades.
    Nexus Essentials is a one page "tip sheet" that provides information about using Nexus (logging in/out, supported file types, etc.)
    Explains how to backup the student submission associated with your Nexus course.
    Explains how to backup your grades from a Nexus course.
    Step-by-step instructions on how to archive a Nexus course to your local computer.
    Instructions to restore your course from a backup.
    All of your features are still there, they just ay have been moved to a different place in the new Nexus 40.
    Instructions for students on how to submit assignments in Nexus.
    Union College is a Google Workspace school, but faculty, students, and staff do have access to some Microsoft 365 programs. This infographic will help you understand what ITS recommends and supports.