ITS provides a Web-based video conferencing tool to allow faculty and staff to conduct meetings online with individuals located off-campus.
Services Included
A self-service web video conferencing tool for anyone on campus to host online meetings, office hours, or project collaboration. All members of the Union community can access the tool by going to https://union.zoom.us and logging in using their Union credentials, or by clicking on the Zoom tile on their MyApps page. All users can share video, screen share, use a virtual dry erase board, and record their meetings. If needed, IT Services staff can teach individuals how to set up and use the tools provided by Zoom. First-time hosts and participants are strongly encouraged to conduct test meetings, a functionality provided by Zoom: https://zoom.us/test.
Zoom AI Companion investigation (updated 1/30/2025)
Zoom provides an AI Companion functionality for automating various meeting-management and clerical tasks, including features like Meeting Summary, Smart Recording, In-Meeting Questions and AI Companion for Whiteboard, which is currently turned off in Union College's environment. Zoom AI Companion has a wide variety of possible configuration settings that allow different combinations of features with various restrictions to protect users' privacy and security.
ITS is currently investigating this functionality, including all the various configuration settings available, to determine what settings will support enough flexibility for our user community while allowing a high degree of control on the part of the user. This analysis will take some time due to the amount of configuration options available. This functionality will be added as a service once the investigation is complete.
What Is Not Included
ITS will provide training on the effective use of the resource but will not manage the meeting itself. Users will be responsible for facilitating the live meeting.
Where/How to Request This Service
Union College has an institutional license so any faculty, staff or student can immediately access the tool by clicking on the Zoom tile on your MyApps page, or by going to https://union.zoom.us and logging in using their Union credentials. Your Union College meeting can accommodate up to up to 300 participants for 30 hours per meeting.
We recommend any training be requested at least one week prior to a meeting.
Related Information
First-time users of Zoom will need to install plug-in software that enables Zoom functionalities on your Internet browser. Please contact the Help Desk for assistance. More information is available in the FAQ section below. In addition, faculty are encouraged to review the following Zoom Support Guides
Need Help?
Guidance on hosting a meeting for the first time may be requested by contacting the Help Desk via e-mail at helpdesk@union.edu or calling ext. 6400.
Individuals anticipating using web conferencing to facilitate teaching and learning in a "flipped" or blended manner for the first time, are encouraged to request an appointment to discuss strategies and best practices by contacting the Learning Technologies staff in ITS at helpdesk@union.edu.
If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.
Getting Started with your ANDROID or IOS Mobile Device
How do I get started on Zoom?
To get started on a PC or Mac all you have to do is go to https://union.zoom.us and log in using your Union credentials.
Download the Getting Started with PC and Mac Guide (PDF)
Watch the Getting Started videos
If you prefer you can also use the Zoom app on any of your mobile devices. Note: If you are signing into your Union account on a mobile device choose "SSO" to log in using your Union credentials.
For iOS, visit the Apple App Store and search "Zoom"
For Android, visit Google Play and search "Zoom"
How do I invite others to join a meeting?
There are a few different ways to invite attendees to a meeting. The Zoom guide "how do I invite others to join" goes over how to invite people to a scheduled meeting and how to invite people from a meeting that has already been started.
How do I join a meeting?
For in-depth directions on how to join a meeting from a PC, Mac, mobile device, email, and more check out the Zoom "how do I join a meeting" guide.
How do I record a meeting, and where do those recording get stored?
Zoom allows you to record what is being shared and participants' video.
Learn how to record locally to your computer or device
Learn how to record to the cloud
Where to find a recording after you've finished your meeting
How do I schedule meeting?
There are a few different ways to schedule a meeting with Zoom:
Schedule from the Zoom app (desktop or mobile)
Schedule from the Zoom web portal
Schedule from plugin (Chrome, Outlook, Firefox)
How do I share my screen?
Zoom allows for screen sharing on a desktop, tablet, and mobile device by both hosts and attendees. Check out the Zoom guide on "sharing your screen" to learn how share your screen from your device.
How do I use a virtual background?
You have the option of using a virtual background if you don't want people seeing where you are. You can add or change your virtual background, or use one of the Union College virtual backgrounds available at https://www.union.edu/communications/digital-assets.
Keep in mind that using a virtual background uses more computer resources so you may not want to use a virtual background if you are having issues with connectivity.
My computer isn't working. Now what do I do?
There are multiple ways to connect to a Zoom meeting using only audio.
Join via computer or app
Join via telephone
My video camera isn't working. Now what do I do?
Test your video
Troubleshooting for windows, mac, and mobile device
My connection is really bad. What can I do?
If you are experiencing any network issues during Zoom sessions (e.g., interruptions, latency, frozen screen), check for the following:
- Make sure you are running the latest version of the Zoom app.
- If you are working from home, do you have family members online too? Other people on your home internet at the same time, will cut into your available bandwidth.
- Are you using a hard wired, ethernet cable to connect your computer to the internet or wireless/wifi? Wireless connections should be avoided for the host, if possible. This is often where instability issues arise–particularly at home. Home routers may be older and/or may not cover the whole home adequately for a good stable connection.
- When wireless is necessary, bring your computer as close as possible to your wireless router or hotspot connection. Note: Zoom recommends an internet speed of 1.5 mbps (megabits per second for both download and upload) for Gallery View option or 720p video. Additional bandwidth recommendations can be found at Zoom Bandwidth Requirements (conduct a speed test such as https://www.speedtest.net/ to determine your bandwidth).
If you still experience connectivity issues, try adjusting your computer/Zoom with the following suggestions:
- Close unnecessary applications on your computer.
- Turn off virtual background.
- Turn off camera entirely.
- Switch to Active Speaker View versus Gallery View.
- Turn-off Screen Sharing when not needed.
- Avoid downloading files during session.
- If the connection is extremely poor, turn off the camera, microphone and computer speakers and dial into the meeting on your phone.
- Make someone else with a strong connection a co-host and ask them to present your materials.