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    Services or Offerings?
    Student can receive credit for A Level courses per the Union College policies found on the Admisison website

    Ask questions here about accounts payable including topics like reimbursements, cash advances, paying an invoice or paying a guest speaker.

    Add/Drop processing

    Request for adding users to a computer.

    Request to access to Google Additional Services

    Faculty, Dean or Program can request to update student advisor

    AP test score review and processing

    Ask questions here about benefit plans including topics like coverage or how to make changes.

    Ask questions here about budgets or forecasting including topics like cost center budgets or budget to actual reports.

    Ask questions here about using your credit card including topics like dealing with your expense report or spend authorization

    Processing of change of major form (including first time major declaration)

    Processing change of minor form (including first time minor declaration

    The Cisco Jabber softphone/app allows you to receive and make calls, to and from your Union College office extension, using your PC/Mac or mobile phone(iPhone or Android).

    For support issues pertaining to technology within classrooms managed directly by ITS.