Setting up 'Meeting Owl Pro' for a Zoom Meeting

The Meeting Owl Pro is available for loan for meetings in conference rooms or classrooms. Currently, Meeting Owl Pros are installed in Grant 017 and Grant 018.
1. Plug the USB cable into the laptop for microphone and speaker access. (if you are in Grant 017 or 018, there is a USB cable and HDMI cables for laptops).

2. Plug in the power adapter and wait until the Owl’s eyes stop pulsing and you hear a hoot.
3. Open Zoom and select Schedule, Join or Start with video, or follow your Zoom invite link to join a meeting.

Note: if Zoom asks you to sign in. Sign in using Union College SSO credentials
4. Click on Join Audio Conference by Computer.
5. Click on the Up arrow to the right of the Microphone icon on the bottom left of your screen. Select the Meeting Owl as both the microphone and speaker.

6. Select the Up arrow to the right of the Camera icon on the bottom left of your screen. Select the Meeting Owl as the Camera.

7. Have a great meeting!