Where Did My _____ Go in Nexus 4.0?

Image: Nexus logo


Nexus 4.0 is here, but where did my _____ go? 

Check here to find the new location for your favorite features.



On This Page:

Important Navigation locations
Gear Icon
Edit On/Off
Edit Course Settings
Question Bank
Reports: Activity Completion and Logs

Important Navigation Locations

A lot of the common menu items have been redistributed to the Navigation Bar at the top of the page, the More tab in the User Menu bar at the top of your course, or the More tab in the course Settings bar, leaving just links to course content in the left sidebar. The sidebar has been renamed to the Course Index, and now includes a full, collapsible list of course content.

Most importantly for you will be:


The Navigation BarImage: Nexus Navigation Bar
At the very top of your page.

My Courses will look much like your previous home page wi t h  you list of courses.




Image: Nexus User menu

The User Menu
In your course, located on the right side of the Navigation Bar at the very top of any page on your site.

This drop-down menu will get you to your profile, grades, celendar, messages, etc.





Image: Nexus edit mode on/off

Edit On/Off   Image: Nexus edit mode button

At the top right, just beside your login icon.

Just click to turn editing on and off.





Image: Nexus - navigation bar


The Course Settings Bar
Just under your course name. 

Adjust the settings for your course, and see your enrollees, and get to the grades and reports for the course.


Image: Nexus - More menu


The More menu tab
in the Course Settings bar 





See the above Page Menu for more information or scroll down.



The link to the Calendar was previously in the Navigation Drawer on the left-hand side of the course. It is now in the User Menu, located on the right side of the Navigation Bar at the very top of any page on your site.

Image: User Menu - calendar

The Gear Icon Image: gear icon  (Settings)

What you knew as "Settings" under the gear icon can now be found in the Settings tab in the Navigation Bar at the top of the course home page. Under the new "More" menu, you'll find:

Question Bank
Content Bank
Course Completion
Course Reuse
Recycle Bin
...and others.

The links to Backup, Restore, Import, Course Copy, and Reset were previously in the Actions menu (cog/gear icon) in the top-right corner of the site. They have been consolidated into a single interface called "Course Reuse". The link to Course Reuse is located in the More menu in the Settings Bar at the top of the course home page.

Image: Nexus - More menu


The link to the Dashboard was previously in the Navigation Drawer on the left-hand side of the course. It is now in the Navigation Bar at the very top of any page on your site. 

Image: Nexus Dahboard tab highlighted

Edit On/Off

The course edit mode button was previously below the Actions menu (cog/gear icon) in the top-right corner of the course. It's now a dedicated toggle on the right side of the Navigation Bar (top-right corner of the course home page). 

Image: Nexus edit mode on/off

Edit Course Settings

Course settings were previously in the Actions menu (cog/gear icon) in the top-right corner of the course. They're now a dedicated link called Settings in the Settings Bar at the top of the course home page. 

Image: Nexus: edit course settings tab highlighted

Grades (Grader Report and Gradebook Setup)

The link to Grades was previously in the Navigation Drawer on the left-hand side of the course. Gradebook Setup was previously in the Actions menu (cog/gear icon) in the top-right corner of the course. They're now consolidated into one dedicated link called Grades in the Settings Bar at the top of the course home page. 

Image: Nexus - Grades tab highlighted


The link to Participants was previously in the Navigation Drawer on the left sidebar in your course. It's now located in the Settings Bar at the top of the course home page. 

Image: Nexus - Participants tab highlighted

Question Bank

The Question Bank was previously linked in the Actions menu (cog/gear icon) in the top-right corner of the course. It's now located in the More menu in the Settings Bar at the top of the course home page. 

Note: There is now a single link to Question Bank. To navigate to a specific area of the Question Bank (e.g. Categories, Import, or Export) you will need to open the Question Bank first. 

Image: Nexus - More menu


The link to Reports was previously in the Actions menu (cog/gear icon) in the top-right corner of the course. It's now a dedicated link called Reports in the Settings Bar at the top of the course home page. 

Image: Nexus - Reports tab highlighted






If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.

Content attributed to Open LMS




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