![Image: Gradescope logo](https://union.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=d987fdc0-9b67-4439-afea-3a2a0ca43280.jpg)
Save time on grading so you can do more of what matters - teaching!
With Gradescope, students receive faster and more detailed feedback on their work, and instructors can see detailed assignment and question analytics. And it integrates with Nexus as an external tool.
On This Page:
What is Gradescope
Get Started
Links to Gradescope Support Documents
Getting Help
What is Gradescope?
Gradescope streamlines the grading and feedback process for a variety of assessment types and online grading options:
- Dynamic rubrics enable assessors an ability to provide consistent and more timely grades and feedback. Any change to rubric criteria gets applied to previously graded work.
- AI-assisted grading allows instructors to automatically group similar answers and grade all the answers in each group at once.
- Programming assignments allows the submission of computer code in various languages, which can be manually or auto-graded at scale.
- Automatically grade printed bubble sheets designed by the instructor.
- Monitor students’ performance and gain insights on student learning using a variety of learning analytics.
- Assignments in Nexus link directly to assignments in Gradescope.
Gradescope works well for a wide variety of answer types: paragraphs, proofs, diagrams, fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice, and more. The biggest users so far have been in courses in Math, Computer Science, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Economics, and Business — but it is also a tool that is useful to most subject areas/levels. You can check out some examples of questions and Gradescope rubrics from real instructors.
Watch this short introductory video: (less than 2 mins)
Get Started
The Learning Design and Digital Innovation team is happy to help faculty get started with Gradescope. Just send an email to the Help Desk, submit a ticket through the ITS Service Catalog, or call (518) 388-6400. If you want to get started immediately, follow these directions for setting up Gradescope assignments in Nexus.
Links to additional documentation
You can visit Gradescope: Get Started anytime. Click on the links below to go to the specific item on the page.
Course Management:
Assignment Workflow
Other Popular Articles
Getting Help
The Gradescope team is the fastest and easiest way for faculty and students to get assistance. They are happy and eager to help you at help@gradescope.com. Extensive online documentation is available through Gradescope’s Getting Started videos, support articles and FAQ. You can also see what features are in development and leave your feedback on Gradescope's product roadmap.
If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.