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    Gradescope is a feedback and assessment tool that dramatically reduces the pain and time associated with grading exams, homework, and other assignments. Gradescope is widely used for delivering assessments remotely.
    Create a repository of questions that you might want to use in your course.
    Learn how to adjusting quiz scoring, override quiz access settings for particular students or groups of students, and review and grade student attempts on quizzes.
    Learn to add or edit questions to a Nexus Quiz that has already been added to your course.
    Use Quizzes in Nexus to evaluate student understanding of your course material.
    As circumstances arise that require you to teach online, you may find yourself needing to administer tests online. In the guidance that follows, the term "tests" includes quizzes, exams, and other assessments that can normally be delivered in the form of a document that students receive, complete, and return to the professor.
    Zoom has a Poll feature that you can use for interactive teaching or quizzes.