Some classes utilize video in order to further the teaching of a subject, which can still be done using Zoom. It is simple to do and won’t take much time, but there are some resources that will not be able to be used. Paid Streaming applications like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video may not work over Zoom because of copyright issues. They have built-in properties that recognize when screen sharing is being used and will blank out the screen to the users you are trying to share to.
Showing video using resources like Youtube and VLC Player to show DVDs will still work with screen sharing on Zoom. Below are steps to do so and how to make sure you have the proper settings equipped.
Once you are in a Zoom session/class and are ready to start sharing a video you can click the green [Share Screen] button in the toolbar at the bottom of the application.

Next, you will receive a pop-up window asking what application/desktop you would like to share.

Before you choose what video to share make sure to check the boxes at the bottom of the pop-up. The boxes will enable [Share Computer Sound] and [Optimize Screen Share for Video Clip].

After you select that option, you can then select the application/desktop that you want to share and then click the blue [Share] button to begin sharing to others on your Zoom session/class.

Finally, you can just play your video and it will be seen by everyone else with audio.
If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk by emailing them at, through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.