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Explains how to backup the student submission associated with your Nexus course.
Explains how to backup your grades from a Nexus course.
Step-by-step instructions on how to archive a Nexus course to your local computer.
Instructions to restore your course from a backup.
Nexus Essentials is a one page "tip sheet" that provides information about using Nexus (logging in/out, supported file types, etc.)
All of your features are still there, they just ay have been moved to a different place in the new Nexus 40.
Instructions for students on how to submit assignments in Nexus.
Union College is a Google Workspace school, but faculty, students, and staff do have access to some Microsoft 365 programs. This infographic will help you understand what ITS recommends and supports.
The Gradescope Tool in Nexus can link directly to assignments in Nexus to return grades.