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    Learning Environments (LE) can help you figure out all your multimedia needs for meetings, lectures, conferences and other events. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will help you with everything from simple equipment rental to venue setup support, as well as provide reliable onsite technical support throughout your event.
    Podcasts and mini-lecture videos offer students the opportunity to engage with educational content outside of traditional classroom settings. They provide flexibility, accessibility, and the space to review material at their own pace. These resources can complement traditional teaching/grading methods and contribute to a more dynamic and interactive learning experience for students and faculty.
    Quick start guide to Sway–an online platform for easy, beautiful, and engaging content displays. Sway intelligently formats content so the user can focus on creating the content, rather than organizing it.
    Quick start guide to Google Sites-an easy way to create a mini-website for course projects and presentations.
    iMovie is a simple, easy to use video editing program that allows you to edit video clips by dragging and dropping.