Frequently Asked Questions about Network + Wireless Services

Tags FAQ WiFi

What is meant by a supported Operating System?

Supported Operating Systems are those that the manufacturer is still patching and releasing security updates.  Mac - last three versions (10.15 Catalina, 11 Big Sur, and 12 Monterey), Windows - (8.1, 10, and 11) Linux - check with distributor.

Can I put a wireless printer on the network?

No. You will need to disable the wireless feature and use the printer locally.

Are there rules and regulations for network usage?

Yes, there are regulations for the usage of the Union College campus network. Upon registration, you will have to carefully read and agree to the current acceptable use policy.

Is support free?

Support for all network issues is provided to students free of charge. Please note that we cannot help with operating system and/or hardware issues (e.g. hard drive crashes).

How can I use Union's Library resources when I'm not on campus?

In order to access on-campus resources from off-campus, you need to have a VPN account. Information about the VPN may be found here.

Can I use my gaming system on the Network?

Yes. Most major gaming systems are all allowed. However, all gaming systems must be registered or they won't work on the network. You can submit a ticket for assistance registering a game console on the Union Network.

Can I play computer games over the network?

You can play games online, but you cannot run a game server. Network games slow down the system. Any activity that has an adverse effect on the system is prohibited by the acceptable usage policy. However, most gaming systems (Xbox, Playstation, etc.) are allowed, once they are registered.

If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.

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