Apporto Virtual Computer Lab


The Apporto platform provides a cloud-based virtual computer lab for students.  Software that was already installed in computer labs at Union College is now available via this platform.  

What is Apporto and virtual computer lab?  Apporto provides faculty and students access to VIRTUAL applications stored in the Cloud. Since the applications are stored in the cloud, it is not on your local computer and can be accessed anytime from any device. Apporto provides a consistent experience no matter what hardware you are using.  Apporto is helpful for doing homework and not having to come on-campus to use a lab or install the applications on your computer.  Specialized software is available in Apporto e.g. SAS, RStudio, etc.

To get started: Apporto is one of the buttons on your MyApps page. Or you can to directly to and login using your Union College username and password.

NOTE: The first time you login with Apporto it will take several seconds to authenticate you into the system.

Frequently Asked Questions about Apporto

How do I access Apporto?

How do I download files to my computer when I am using Apporto?

How do I mount a Cloud Drive in Apporto?

What does the virtual computer lab look like in Apporto?

Additional Tools available

List of available applications (last updated: 06/19/2020)

Apporto End-User Guide

Apporto's FAQ are available online

How do I access Apporto?​​​

Go to
Click Login using your Union College username and password
You are now logged into your VIRTUAL applications

Select Default Windows for windows environment is for applications like: Microsoft Office, Mathematica, Stata, SigmaPlot, SigmaStat, SPSS

Select GPU Windows for windows environment is for processor intense applications like: Solidworks, ArcGIS, Adobe Suite, MATLAB

Similar to the number of available computers in the physical computer labs on campus, there are a limited number of sessions available on this platform.

How do I download files to my computer when I am using Apporto?

In the Apporto web view session, choose the File Download icon at the top left of your browser.

In the File Download dialog box, Click the file you would like to download and Click the Download button.

The file will download to your physical computer; you can then work with it, save it or print it.

How do I mount a Cloud Drive in Apporto?

On your virtual desktop you will find an icon for Cloud Mounter. Select this to connect your Google Drive files.

Click Login using your Union College username and password
You are now logged into your VIRTUAL applications
Select your virtual desktop
Open the Apporto Cloud Mounter

Select your cloud drive you want to connect (Google Drive would be preferable)
Select Connect now
Enter using your Union College username and password
You can now access your cloud drive from the File Explorer or through your corresponding application

What does the virtual computer lab look like in Apporto?

The virtual computer lab environment is a Windows desktop.  

Additional Tools Available

Across the top of the Virtual Desktop, there is a row of tools that you can use.

The tools and their functions are listed below:

  • Full-screen Toggle - Clicking this tool will enable full screen, press the “esc” key or click the tool again in order to exit full screen.

  • File Upload - Use this tool to upload your files. Once clicked, a pop-up box will appear, you first choose the destination of where you want your file to go and then click “Upload”. After another box will appear for you to choose the file you would like to upload.

  • File Download - Use this tool to download your files. Once clicked, a pop-up box will appear for you to choose the file you would like to download. After you have located the file, click on the file and then select “Download” on the bottom right of the box.

  • Save/Restore Snapshot - This tool lets you save up to two snapshots of an active session so you can "rollback" your work to a previous state. This could be useful if you need to undo your work.

*Note that the following rules apply when working with snapshots:

- Your current session is disconnected once the save process is completed.

- If you have already saved the maximum number of snapshots allowed, the new snapshot overwrites the oldest snapshot.

  • Screen Sharing - Use this tool to share your screen with others and collaborate. You are given links to share with people to access your desktop. There are 3 different links giving multiple levels of collaboration, View Only, View and Draw, or Full Control.

  • Messenger - Use this tool to: See who else is online, find new contacts, chat with others, or join and take part in group chats.

  • Analytics - This tool provides insights into your total time and activity – and also allows you to compare your stats relative to averages.

  • Audio On/Off

List of available applications

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Article ID: 103795
Tue 3/31/20 3:49 PM
Mon 2/26/24 3:25 PM

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