Accessing the Digital Studio


Faculty/Staff may use/schedule the Production Studio, Isolation Booth, or ConnectIT Lab during normal Schaffer Library business hours. Please note, instructional and research reservation requests made by faculty are given first priority. All requesters must meet the following criteria:

  • Union College full time employees
  • have an active Union College computer account
  • have an active Union ID card
  • completed Digital Studio training
  • be present throughout the scheduled event

Meetings must utilize the technology in the space. Scheduling repeating events is allowed on a limited basis, not to exceed the current term. Repeating events are vetted on a case-by-case basis after faculty requests are received at the beginning of each new term.  Please allow at least 1 business week notice for all reservation requests.


Students can utilize these spaces for individual projects, as long as they have a faculty or administrative staff member as a sponsor. The sponsoring faculty or administrative staff member needs to send an email to at least 1 business week prior to reservation date indicating:

  • his/her support of the student's project
  • the academic nature of the project (e.g., course title, senior project, event name/date, etc.)
  • if the sponsoring faculty or administrative staff member will be present while the student utilizes the Digital Studio space (and if so, if s/he has received training before)
  • desired Digital Studio space (i.e., Isolation Booth, Production Studio, ConnectIT Lab)
  • desired date(s) and time(s)

The trained faculty or administrative staff member sponsoring the student(or a member of the Learning Technologies & Environments (LTE) staff) must be present for the duration of time a student utilizes one of these spaces. If the sponsoring faculty or administrative staff member is unable to be present, the email must also include a request for a LTE staff member to be scheduled with the reservation. Please allow 1 business week notice for all reservation requests. LTE will do their best to schedule an LTE staff member for the desired date and time during normal business hours (M-F, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.). 

NOTE: All faculty/staff who are interested in using/scheduling any of the rooms within the Digital Studio (except the FCRC) must receive training on how to use the equipment. Once a faculty/staff member receives the appropriate training, s/he will be added to the card access list for the room and can use her/his Union College ID card to enter the room. Please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call 518.388.6438 if you need training.

If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.

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