How to Add and Drop from the Waitlist

The purpose of this document is to describe how to add or drop from the waitlist.  

Adding yourself to the waitlist

  1. Select Student Planning

  2. Click Go to Plan & Schedule

  3. You should be on your Schedule screen.  
  4. Click the Academics icon on the left menu (see below)

  5. Select Course Catalog (see below)

  6. On the Search for Courses and Course Sections screen, select the department and then scroll down to find the course you want to waitlist.  Click the View Available Sections link.

  7. Then click the Add Section button to Schedule button.

  8. A Section Details dialog box will open up with information about the section and that it has a waitlist.  Click the Add Section button.

  9. You will see a notification in the upper right hand corner of the screen that indicates the course has been planned and added to your schedule.

  10. Go back to your Plan by clicking the Academics icon on the left menu, clicking Student Planning and then Plan & Schedule
  11. On the left you will see the course that you added to your plan that has a waitlist.  Add yourself to the waitlist by clicking the [Waitlist] button.

Dropping yourself from the waitlist:

  1. Go back to your Plan by clicking the Academics icon on the left menu, clicking Student Planning and then Plan & Schedule
  2. On the left you will see the course that you added to your plan. Click the [Drop Waitlist] button.  You have now dropped yourself from a waitlist.

Dropping yourself from a waitlist

Permission to Register:

If you have been granted a seat in a waitlisted class, you will receive notification via email.  Your waitlisted class will also have an updated status as seen below.  You can now register for this class during your registration appointment time.  You may still remove yourself from the waitlist by dropping.

Registering for class from waitlist


If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.

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