Frequently Asked Questions about Video Conferences


Frequently asked questions about virtual meetings and video conferences (using Zoom)


How do I record a meeting and where do my recordings get stored?

Zoom allows you to record what is being shared and participants' video.

How do I invite others to join a meeting?

There are a few different ways to invite attendees to a meeting. The Zoom guide "how do I invite others to join" goes over how to invite people to a scheduled meeting and how to invite people from a meeting that has already been started.

How do I schedule meetings?

There are a few different ways to schedule a meeting with Zoom:

How do I share my screen?

Zoom allows for screen sharing on a desktop, tablet, and mobile device by both hosts and attendees. Check out the Zoom guide on "sharing your screen" to learn how share your screen from your device.

My video/camera isn't working, so now what do I do?

My computer audio isn't working, so now what do I do?

There are multiple ways to connect audio to a Zoom meeting.

How do I join a meeting?

For in-depth directions on how to join a meeting from a PC, Mac, mobile device, email, and more check out the Zoom "how do I join a meeting" guide.

How do I get started with Zoom?

To get started on a PC or Mac all you have to do is go to and log in using your Union credentials.

If you prefer you can also use the Zoom app on any of your mobile devices. Note: If you are signing into your Union account on a mobile device choose "SSO" to log in using your Union credentials.

How do I add a virtual background for my Zoom meeting?

You have the option of using a virtual background if you don't want people seeing where you are. You can add or change your virtual background, or use one of the Union College virtual backgrounds available at

Keep in mind that using a virtual background uses more computer resources so you may not want to use a virtual background if you are having issues with connectivity.





If you are having difficulty or you have unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk through the ITS Service Catalog or call (518) 388-6400.



Article ID: 59397
Mon 8/6/18 1:59 PM
Wed 4/6/22 10:28 AM

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If you have downloaded the ZOOM app and are having problems logging in, check here for some tips on performing the update.

