Access to Latest Trends in IT Resources


The college has access to IT research information and webinars from Gartner Groups.


Image: generic photo of laptop and iPad
ITS continues to provide access to the latest trends in information
technology for the entire Union College community. The subscription service
is provided by the Gartner Group, the world's leading information technology
research and advisory company.

Our campus community has access to the same IT research information and
webinars utilized by the majority of Fortune 1000 and Global 500 companies.


Gartner provides research in the following areas:Image: Gartner logo

  • Technology products/services/trends
  • Business-IT issues
  • IT Management/IT organizations
  • IT strategies/IT governance
  • Global IT industry perspective
  • Real-world case studies

These Gartner research papers can be accessed through Union College’s Gartner web portal, located at (you can log-in by using your Union College email address and your email password).

Another benefit of our subscription is that all members of the Union College community have access to the online
webinars offered by Gartner (click on the “Attend a Gartner Webinar” link under the login area to see upcoming sessions.





Article ID: 62198
Wed 9/12/18 2:20 PM
Fri 11/1/19 5:11 PM