- Information and Changing Your Preferences


Information about the process for releasing messages to <> and instructions for changing your delivery preferences.


The Google Group is used for sending information about events to the campus community.  New faculty, staff and students are automatically added as they join the Union Community.  

Process for release of messages sent to <>

If you'd like a message distributed via, email your message in the exact format and wording as you want it to be seen to  Do not include any messages to the moderator in that message.  Your message will get distributed exactly as it is sent - the moderator has no edit ability.  The moderator can only approve for distribution or reject it.

Messages will be released three times a day

  • once in the morning at around 9 am,
  • once in the afternoon at around 12 noon, and
  • once in the evening at around 4:30 pm. 

All messages received up to that point in time will be released.  The schedule will be followed on week days (Monday through Friday) only.  As a general practice, messages will not be released on weekends.

Only one message per day will be released about an individual event so please do not send multiple reminders in a single day.  Please plan accordingly to send reminders about weekend events by the Friday before the event. 

Changing your <> settings to digest mode

To change your deliver preferences for, you need to go to Google Groups. 

  1. When you're in Google, click on the Google Apps icon Image: Google Apps icon in the upper right corner of your browser.
  2. Click on the Groups icon Image: Google Groups icon.
  3. On the Google Groups home screen, click on the [My groups] icon  Image: Google My Groups icon  and you will see a list of groups that you are subscribed to. 
  4. Click on the button to the right of that says [Every new message] and then select your preference from the drop down list.Image: Edit My Groups list

Image: google delivery method list

  • Don't send email updates: You won't get any email messages sent to that group.
  • Send daily summaries: Receive one summary email per day.
  • Combined updates (25 messages per email): Receive one email for every 25 new messages.
  • Every new message: Receive an email for every group post.



  1. To unsubscribe, follow steps 1-3 above.
  2. Click on the button to the right of that looks like you are leaving out the door (see below).  If you hover over the icon, it will say Leave group.



  1. When you're in Google, click on the Google Apps icon Image: Google Apps icon in the upper right corner of your browser.
  2. Click on the Groups icon Image: Google Groups icon.
  3. Click on All groups in the menu on the left and type in campus-events in the search box at the top of the screen.
  4. You will see the listed.  To the right, click on the icon that looks like you are entering a door (see below).

    In the dialog box that pops up, decide how often you want to receive messages and then click the Join Group button.





Article ID: 61798
Wed 9/5/18 8:48 AM
Tue 2/23/21 3:08 PM