You can view and search the course catalog to find courses and, when a registration period is open, course sections for the term.
Start by clicking on the Course Catalog after you log into Self Service.

You will start on the Advanced Search page.

You have two options for viewing results:
Select the Term from the drop down box:

Click the Search button.
The default result view is Section Listing. A table listing each section available will be displayed sorted by the Section Name column.

In this view, you can sort on any of the columns. Key columns will be:
- Status - This column designates if a course is open, closed, or wait listed. To find all the wait listed sections, click on the Status header twice to have it display in reverse order.
- Course Type - Search for courses that satisfy particular General Education course requirements.
Click on the Section Name in order to take action on a specific section.
If you want to look at course information, such as the description, use the Course Listing results view. Return back to the Advanced Search page, select the radio button next to Course Listing, select the Term and click Sear ch.

With the Course Listing results view selected, you will now see each course listed on the right with the course description.

To see specific information about sections available for a particular course, click the View Available Sections for XXX-NNN in the grey bar below the description.

Clicking on the section listed will let you take action on that section.