What's New In Nexus 4


Read on for an overview of the new features of Nexus. Additional information can be found at Playlist of 4.0 New Features

On This Page:

New Navigation
Course Editing 
Question Bank Improvements
New in Courses 

New Navigation 

  • My Courses - Access courses easily from a My courses tab at the top of the site 
  • Dashboard and Timeline - Stay on target with deadlines with an improved Timeline on the Dashboard
  • Course Index - Move Smoothly between course sections 
  • Activity Completion - View complete and incomplete activities easily from the course index 

Course Editing 

  • Edit Mode - Toggle edit mode and access the new block drawer to add or view blocks 
  • Easy add content - Add activities and resources with a simple click when in edit mode 
  • Contextual Navigation - Find you way around the course and activities with clear tab menus 
  • Drag and drop to move - Move items from the course index or the central area 

Question Bank Improvements 

  • Question Bank Plugins - Show or hide options such as comments and usage 
  • Improved Question Management - Save as draft or make ready; see version history and use custom fields when working with colleagues

New in Courses

  • Atto Accessibility - The Atto editor has improved accessibility 
  • Grade to Pass Completion - Activity completion can now include a passing grade 
  • New Activity Icons - color coded icons help to identify the function of each activity 
  • Content Updates - Notify learners when course content is added or updated
  • Timed Assignments - specify a time on assignments to encourage learners to submit within the period 




Article ID: 153814
Thu 2/16/23 1:53 PM
Thu 6/15/23 2:18 PM

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