Accessing Your Voice messages using the Jabber App (Android/iOS)


Step-by-Step instructions on accessing your Voice messages using the Jabber App (Android/iOS)


Using the Cisco Jabber app on your smartphone you are able to listen to, delete, forward and send voice messages.  You must be set up to use the Cisco Jabber app, call Telecommunications at extension 6411 or 518-388-6411 or email to be set up.

1.  Once you are logged into the Jabber app, tap the voicemail icon in the bottom right corner.

Voicemail Icon in lower right corner

2.  Your Inbox is displayed.

To listen to a message, tap the name.

Tap name to listen to message

3.  Tap the Play icon.

Tap play icon to listen

4.  After listening to a message, you can Reply, Forward, get More info or Delete the message by tapping More.

Note: Reply and Forward works only with other Union College voicemail users.

Reply, Forward, More info, Delete Message

5. If you Delete a message, you must empty it from the Trash folder by tapping Inbox and then tapping Trash.

Select Trash folder

6.  Tap the Empty Trash button at the bottom of the screen and tap Clear All to confirm.
Download the PDF on Accessing Your Voice messages using the Jabber App (Android/iOS)



Article ID: 153564
Fri 2/3/23 2:49 PM
Fri 2/3/23 3:19 PM

