Unity Web Inbox - Resetting Your Voice Mailbox PIN


Step-by-Step instructions on how to reset your voice mailbox PIN through Unity Web Inbox.


1.  Open a web browser window and navigate to:


You will be redirected to the Otka login page. Enter your Union username (only the first part of your email, not including the @union.edu) and your Union password.

Okta Login Screen

*Note* You must be on the Union network to access, otherwise you must connect to the Union VPN first, which can be found on the ITS website.

Connect to VPN:

Connect to Union VPN

2.  When you login, on the top left menu, click Settings.

A new window should open to your Personal Options.

Click Settings Button

3.  Mouseover Passwords and click Change PIN.

Click Change PIN

4.  Enter your new PIN (must be at least 4 digits) and click Save.

Your PIN has been changed and you can close the browser window.

Click the Save Button

Download the PDF on Resetting your voice mailbox PIN



Article ID: 153560
Fri 2/3/23 1:46 PM
Fri 2/3/23 3:18 PM

