Setting your location in Google Calendar

You can now indicate your location in Google Calendar and it will display at the top of your Google calendar and will be available to someone who is trying to schedule a meeting using Google calendar.  Once it is set, it will appear at the top of your calendar above your All Day events.

You can set up the defaults by going to your calendar settings and clicking on “Working hours & location” in the left menu.  

You will see where you can enable working location so that others can see your location when trying to schedule a meeting and set your location for each day.  You set your defaults here but can always change an individual day by clicking on your location in your calendar.

This setting will display when others try to schedule you.  This will help the organizer understand if a meeting needs to be setup in a hybrid format (some in a meeting room and some on Zoom) or can be in person only or online only.

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Article ID: 134779
Wed 10/13/21 11:16 AM
Wed 10/13/21 11:18 AM